Web Projects

Capstone Project: HACC’s Web Program Website

Categories: Web Design, Web Development

This web project was a team project that I had for my Capstone class. Our class was grouped into four teams, and each were assigned to build a Responsive Website for different non-profit organizations. Harrisburg Area Community College’s Web Program website was given to my group. My role was the Web Producer/Team Leader/Web Designer.

My developer, Andrew, built the header and footer of the website based on a prototype that I created in Adobe Illustrator. From there, I helped fill up the contents of the website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap. I used a simple JavaScript for the Courses page. The pages that I filled are the Courses, Tracks, FAQ, Videos, Photos and Capstone pages.

Client: Professor Carl Petersheim
Role: Web Producer/Team Leader/Web Designer
Web Developer: Andrew Gehman
Tools used: PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Adobe Dreamweaver, Filezilla

student projects
HACCs Web Program Homepage